Computer Academy provides primary and secondary school students with Basic Computer, Coding and Robotic programming education, exploring the core concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, (STEM) and improving their skills through experiments with scientific phenomena connected to real life.

These days, many foreigners are trying to learn Korean to get a job at a Korean company, to study abroad in Korea, and to make Korean friends. One of the more interesting reasons is said to be watching Korean dramas. Perhaps, as K-POP spreads around the world, the number of foreign students learning Korean is increasing significantly.

Contact Us
- 2KG28AV., Kimihurura, Gasabo, Kigali, Rwanda
- +250 785 981 970, +250 788 23 7349
- uaurwanda@uaur.ac.rw
- uaurwanda@gmail.com
- www.uaur.ac.rw
- Location
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Aviation Maintenance
- Cyber Security
- Nuclear Power
- Computer Engineering
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