What is Computer Science Engineering (CSE) ?
Computer Engineering gives students the coding ability to understand and apply computer algorithms and analyze software along with theoretical knowledge about computer programs. Students interested in these topics will learn content including algorithms, operating systems, data structures, databases, information retrieval, robotics, and human-computer interaction.
Electronic, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering are also based on computer science engineering, and research on programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and PHP, and object-oriented programming is part of computer science engineering, and in an academic sense, also called Computer Science Engineering..
What are the objectives of Computer Engineering ?
Computer engineers design innovative hardware and software for various computer systems, making this one of the most dynamic professions in the engineering field. The field’s core goal is to design innovative and efficient computing components. The duties of a computer engineer include the research, design, development, and testing of computer hardware and software. Computer engineering industries include telecommunications, high-tech manufacturing, automotive, health care, and others.
What tasks do Computer Engineering ?
Computer Engineer responsibilities include designing, testing, and inspecting all software used within an organization’s computer system. Ultimately, you will be responsible for upgrading various types of hardware like routers and motherboards as needed. Performing periodic analysis of computer hardware and software using available technology and testing tools. Responding to computer-related issues and providing technical support to staff members. Overseeing the company’s cloud storage accounts to guarantee they’re protected and secure. Conduct validation testing for new and renovated motherboards. Ensure existing computer equipment is up-to-date. Stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and incorporate new technology into existing units. Draft new computer equipment blueprints and present them to management. Plan and manage the production of computer hardware equipment.
Specialization areas in Computer Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Full-stack development
- Cyber security - Data Science & Analytics
- Cloud computing - Game design & AR
- UI/UX design - Data scientist
- Network Engineer
- Information security engineers
- Embedded program engineers - Hardware engineer
General Studies
Business English
Business communication English emphasizes issues such as marketing, contract management customer relations, consumer behavior, advertising, public relations, commercial talking, community engagement, company management, interpersonal communication, employee engagement, etc. It is closely related to the fields of business field and expert communication. Al Media channels for business communication include the Internet, Media, Radio, Television, etc.
UAUR Business communication English course shows the way for employees, management, and administration to communicate to reach their organizational goals. Business communication has business issues as case studies in the curriculum of students’ programs. Through this course, students understand the concept of business and relevant terminology. Especially face-to-face communication helps students to establish a personal relationships and help to sell the product or service to customers.
- Unit 1; Guide as a business person armed with expert knowledge
- Unit 2; Maximazilation Business English capability before coming field
- Unit 3; Changing mind from amateur to professional
- Unit 4; Become a professional entrepreneur to survive in the world
Communication English
This course is designed to help students meet the challenges of a new life living in society and will increase their capability how to interact with other people who live in different regions in different living ways.
Students will learn to speak clearly and ask questions to the opposite side people more easily understand their needs and wants, let them solve the recipient responsible for the current issues.
Decisions will be made more efficiently during face-to-face interaction meetings and the task also is more productively accomplished lastly it can be moved successfully forward with their decisions.
- Unit 1; Understand the cultural variables that appear through communication
- Unit 2; Develop confidence using communication English for work
- Unit 3; Course modules Integrated Business Skills
- Unit 4; Practice performing communication activities as they would be done in different workplaces
Engineering Economics
This course qualification for the students;
The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc.
- Unit 1; Economic Concepts
- Unit 2; Supply and Demand
- Unit 3; International Trade
- Unit 4; Trade Documents Survey
Korean Language
This module describes the skill, knowledge, and attitudes to be acquired by the students, especially in the Korean language. The student will be able to present read and write Hangul proficiently;
* Korean I
- Unit 1; How to write and read the new language
- Unit 2; How to listen and respond to the action
- Unit 3; How to express the sequence of tenses
* Korean II
- Unit 1; Develop the Speaking & Listening on intermediate level
- Unit 2; How to make fluent Reading and Writing skills on level II
- Unit 3; How to understand the basics of Koran culture
* Advanced Korean
- Unit 1; How to define normal life happening surround me
- Unit 2; How to understand and express Korean society
- Unit 3; How to carry out the Industrial Training at the factory
General Competencies
4th Industrial Revolution
The fourth industrial revolution, a term coined by Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, describes a world where individuals move between digital domains and offline reality with the use of connected technology to enable and manage their lives. (Miller 2015, 3)
The first industrial revolution changed our lives and economy from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. Oil and electricity facilitated mass production in the second industrial revolution. In the third industrial revolution, information technology was used to automate production. Although each industrial revolution is often considered a separate event, together they can be better understood as a series of events building upon innovations of the previous revolution and leading to more advanced forms of production.
This course shows the major feature of the four industrial revolutions, given the opportunities of the fourth industrial revolution, and the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. Students understand the meanings and apply their learning knowledge to real society and become a leader in the 4th industry area.
- Unit 1; Definition and future trend
- Unit 2; Impact to divers industries-2
- Unit 3; Human and machine in Industry 4.0
- Unit How to apply it to Rwanda & Africa?
Computer Programming I, Python
The purpose of programming is to subdivide a series of instructions that perform a specific task or automatically solve a given problem. Therefore, the programming process requires expertise in a variety of topics, including knowledge of applications, specialized algorithms, and formal logic.
* Python
- Unit 1; Introduction
- Unit 2; Assistance Programming
- Unit 3; Control Structure
- Unit 4; Loop Control Programming
* Pure Basic Programming Language
- Unit 1; The Core Language
- Unit 2; Graphical User Interfaces
- Unit 3; Graphics and Sound
Data Structure
Data Structure And Algorithm Preliminaries, Arrays, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Graph Algorithms, Tree, Binary Search Tree
Engineering Ethics
The Engineering Ethics course provides students with a wide view and basic capability to become an intercultural leader with 5 Dimensional Education Philosophy. Finish this course, students understand what real society is and participate more diligently in the working field.
- Unit 1; Limitation of human beings and five-dimensional Education.
- Unit 2; Cultivate students’ mind field and let them become a good talented society members with Intelligent strengths.
- Unit 3; Change students to those who can draw themselves for their life-living and society activities with Metal strength and Self-management ability.
- Unit 4; Become a diamond-collar leader in the world with Self-control strength and Relationship strength.
Specific Competencies
Analog Electronics
Analog electronic components and circuits are building blocks for any electronic device used in industries or in daily life. It is therefore, necessary for electronics engineers to understand clearly the principles and functioning of the basic analog components and circuits. This course will enable the students to understand the basics of construction, working, and applications of various types of electronic components such as UJT, JFET, MOS FET and circuits such as feedback amplifiers, oscillators, power amplifiers, operational amplifiers, and timers using linear ICs. Practical exercises in this course would enable students to maintain such circuits and in turn, maintain equipment having such circuits. This course is therefore one of the basic core courses which is a must for every electronic engineer and hence should be taken very sincerely by students.
Unit – I Negative Feedback Amplifiers
a. Describe different types of feedback. b. List the merits and demerits of negative feedback. c. Explain the concept of negative feedback related to an amplifier. d. Determine the overall gain of feedback amplifiers from a maintenance point of view, Describe the effect of feedback on amplifier parameters. Explain the series and shunt type of feedback in the amplifier circuits.
Unit – II Oscillators
a. Justify the use of positive feedback in the oscillator. b. Describe the working of the tank circuit with sketches. c. Explain the working principle of different types of oscillators. d. List applications of various types of oscillators. e. Describe the construction of UJT with sketches. f. Explain the working of the UJT with sketches.
Unit – III Power Amplifier
a. Differentiate between voltage and power amplifier. b. Explain the working of different types of power amplifiers and their applications. c. Determine the efficiency of Class A and Class B type of power amplifiers. d. Explain the working of Push Pull amplifiers. e. Calculate the efficiencies of Push Pull amplifiers. f. Compare the working of different types of power amplifiers.
Unit – IV Field Effect Transistor
a. Explain the construction and working principle of JFET. b. Describe configurations of the JFET amplifier. c. Differentiate BJT and JFET. d. Explain the construction and working principle of enhancement type MOSFET. e. Compare the working of JFET and MOSFET.
Unit – V Linear Integrated Circuits
a. Explain working of operational amplifier. b. Explain working of differential amplifier. c. Identify the pin specifications and voltage levels of IC 741 in the given sketch. d. Explain the open and closed loop concept in Op-amps. e. Explain the parameters of operational amplifier. f. Explain applications of operational amplifier. g. Explain working and applications of Timer IC 555 with a block diagram.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence is a method of programming a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or software to think intellectually in the same way as intelligent humans do. AI is achieved by understanding how the human brain works, as well as how humans learn, decide, and operate when attempting to solve a problem, and then leveraging the results of this research to construct sophisticated software systems.
Course Objective:
To develop semantic-based and context-aware systems to acquire, organize processes, share, and use the knowledge embedded in multimedia content. The research will aim to maximize automation of the complete knowledge lifecycle and achieve semantic interoperability between Web resources and services. The field of Robotics is multi-disciplinary as robots are amazingly complex systems comprising mechanical, electrical, electronic H/W, and S/W and issues germane to all these.
AI problems, the foundation of AI and history of AI intelligent agents: Agents and Environments, the concept of rationality, the nature of environments, the structure of agents, problem-solving agents, problem formulation.
Searching- Searching for solutions, uniformed search strategies – Breadth-first search, depth-first Search. Search with partial information (Heuristic search) Hill climbing, A*, AO* Algorithms, Problem reduction, Game Playing-Adversial search, Games, mini-max algorithm, optimal decisions in multiplayer games, Problem in Game playing, Alpha-Beta pruning, Evaluation functions.
Knowledge representation issues, predicate logic- logic programming, semantic nets- frames and inheritance, constraint propagation, representing knowledge using rules, and rules-based deduction systems.
Reasoning under uncertainty, review of probability, Baye’s probabilistic interferences, and dempstershafer theory.
First-order logic. Inference in first-order logic, propositional vs. first-order inference, unification & lifts forward chaining, Backward chaining, Resolution, Learning from observation Inductive learning, Decision trees, explanation-based learning, Statistical Learning methods, Reinforcement Learning.
Expert systems:- Introduction, basic concepts, the structure of expert systems, the human element in expert systems how expert systems work, problem areas addressed by expert systems, expert systems success factors, types of expert systems, expert systems, and internet interactions web, knowledge engineering,
scope of knowledge, difficulties, in knowledge acquisition methods of knowledge acquisition, machine learning, intelligent agents, selecting an appropriate knowledge acquisition method, societal impacts reasoning in artificial intelligence, inference with rules, with frames: model-based reasoning, case-based, reasoning, explanation & meta knowledge inference with uncertainty representing uncertainty.
Basic Electrical Engineering
Course Objective:
To provide comprehensive ideas about AC and DC circuit analysis, working principles, and applications of basic machines in electrical engineering.
Course Outcome:
- To understand the basic concepts of magnetic circuits, electromagnetism, and electrostatics.
- To understand and analyze AC & DC circuits.
- To understand the working principle and applications of DC & AC machines.
Unit-1. Elementary Concepts:
Prerequisite: – Concept of Potential difference. – Current and resistance. – Ohm’s law, the effect of temperature on resistance, resistance temperature coefficient, insulation resistance. – SI units of work Power and Energy. – Conversion of energy from one form to another in electrical and thermal systems.
Unit 2. D. C. Circuits (Only Independent sources)
– Kirchhoff’s law, ideal and practical voltage, and current sources. – Mesh and Nodal analysis (Supernode and super Mesh excluded). – Source transformation. Star delta transformation. Superposition theorem, – Thevevnins’s theorem Norton’s theorem, maximum power transfer theorem (Source transformation not allowed for superposition theorem, Mesh, and Nodal analysis.
Unit. 3. A.C. Fundamentals:
– Sinusoidal voltage and currents, their mathematical and graphical representation, the concept of cycle period, frequency, instantaneous, peak, average, r.m.s. values, peak factor, form factor, phase difference, lagging, leading and in-phase quantities, and phasor representation. – Rectangular and polar representation of phasors. – Study of A.C circuits of pure resistance, inductance, and capacitance and corresponding voltage-current phasor diagrams, voltage – current and power waveforms.
Unit.4. Single phase and poly phase A. C. circuits:
A) Single phase AC Circuits: Study of series and parallel R-L, R-C, and R-L-C circuits, the concept of impedance and admittance for different combinations, waveform, and relevant voltage current phasor diagrams. Concept of active, reactive, apparent, complex power and power factor, resonance in series and parallel RLC circuit. Q- factor and bandwidth.
B) Polyphase AC circuits: Concept of three-phase supply and phase sequence. Balanced and unbalanced loads voltage current and power relations in three-phase balanced star and delta loads and their phasor diagrams.
Unit.5. Electromagnetism:
A) Magnetic effect of electrical current cross and dot convention, right-hand thumb rule and corkscrew rule, nature of long straight conductor magnetic field, solenoid, and torrid concepts. Concepts of m.m.f, flux, flux density, reluctance, permeability and field strength, their units, and relationship. Simple series and parallel magnetic circuits. In comparison between electrical and magnetic circuits, force on a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field is Fleming’s left-hand rule.
B) Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Fleming’s right-hand rule, statically and dynamically induced EMF’s self and mutual inductance coefficient of coupling, energy stored in the magnetic field.
C) Introduction to electrical AC DC Machines: Principles of operation and applications.
Unit.6. Single phase transformer and electrostatics:
A) Single phase transformers: Construction, principle of working, e.m.f equations, voltage and current ratios, losses, the definition of regulation and efficiency, determination of these by direct loading method. Descriptive treatment of autotransformer.
B) Electrostatics: electrostatic field, electric flux density, electric field strength, absolute permittivity, relative permittivity, and capacitance, composite dielectric capacitors, capacitors in series and parallel, energy stored in capacitors, charging and discharging of capacitors and concept of time constant.
Term Work:
Term work shall consist of a record of a minimum of eight experiments, out of which Group A is compulsory and five experiments from Group B be carried out.
i. Wiring exercises:
- study of wiring components( Wires, Switches, Fuses, sockets, plugs, lamps, and lamp holders, rating of different accessories)
- Control of two lamps from two switches ( looping system)
ii. Staircase wiring
- Use of Megger for insulation testing and continuity test of wiring installation and machines.
- Study of fluorescent tube circuit.
- Study of compact Fluorescent lamps( CFL) and Light Emitting Diode( LED) lamps.
iii. Study of sodium and mercury vapor lamps
- Study of safety precautions while working on electrical installations and the necessity of earthing
- Introduction to energy conservation
iv. Study of single line diagram of the power system.
Group B: List of laboratory experiments (Minimum six)
- Mesh and nodal analysis.
- Verification of superposition theorem.
- Verification of Thevevnins’s theorem.
- Study of R-L series and R-C series circuits.
- R-L=C series resonance circuit.
- R-L- -C parallel resonance circuit.
- Relationship between phase and line currents and voltages in 3- p[ghase system ( Star- Deltas).
- Power and phase measurements in three phase system by the two-wattmeter method.
- OC and SC test on the single-phase transformer.
Blockchain Data
This course will introduce the fundamental building blocks of blockchain technology as well as its application in cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance, and enterprise networks. It will begin by covering the fundamentals of money, banking, and payment systems, as well as relevant areas of computer science such as cryptography and distributed systems. It will dive into both blockchain and Bitcoin, as well as other decentralized platforms. It will cover smart contracts and tokens, and their most contemporary applications in the areas of stablecoins, central bank digital currencies, and decentralized banking. The course will conclude with a focus on private networks for enterprise use cases. There will be live demonstrations throughout the class and guest speakers from the industry.
Students will form groups and present two reports. For the midterm, they will use the building blocks they have learned about to imagine their application. For the final, they will provide a comprehensive study of an existing project, with a focus on analytics. Both presentations will be graded based on student comprehension of what problem is solved, the economics of the solution, network governance, and the road to adoption. Active class participation will be rewarded with extra credit. Greater detail on group formation and assignments will be provided once class sizes are known.
Course Outline:
Unit 1 – Money, banking & payment systems
This session will provide theories on the origins of money and its history. It will cover the generally accepted functions of money as well as its characteristics. It will discuss the basics of banking and the design of payment systems.
Unit 2 – Challenges of digitization, consensus, hash functions & symmetric cryptography
Laying the foundation for why blockchain technology was invented and how it functions, the primary focus of this class will be how distributed systems can reach consensus, and the technical concepts of hashing and basic cryptography.
Subsequently, we’ll discuss how blockchain was invented before Bitcoin, how it can be used to authenticate digital documents, and why doing so is a proper foundation for a decentralized payment network. We’ll conclude with a review of public key cryptography.
Unit 3 – Bitcoin
All of the technical concepts learned so far will be used to understand the invention and working of Bitcoin. The focus will be on the use of economic incentives, mining, transaction fees, and, algorithmic inflation.
Unit 4 – Smart Contracts & Ethereum
This session will cover conditional transactions as enabled by the second most prominent blockchain platform, tokens, and the notion of trustless computing.
Unit 5 – The user’s perspective; vulnerabilities
This session will cover the different aspects of owning cryptocurrency and interacting with a blockchain, including buying and selling, wallets, and the dangers of a digital bearer asset.
We will also discuss the risks and tradeoffs of decentralized networks, including possible attack vectors and 51% attacks, with a review of several successful breaches. Soft and hard forks will be covered.
Unit 6 – Stablecoins
This class will cover the history of blockchain applied to fiat currency, the difference between token and ledger money, similarities and differences with existing payment solutions, and the possible disruption of the payments industry.
Unit 7 – Libra & central bank digital currencies GH
This session will begin with the Facebook led initiative and how it differs from existing stablecoins. It will also cover the difference between public and private money and various designs for central bank digital currencies.
Unit 8 – Decentralized finance; Tokenization of capital markets
This session will cover decentralized applications for credit creation, money markets, and Facebook-led synthetic assets on the Ethereum blockchain, with a deep dive into MakerDao, a decentralized bank. We will then switch gears and cover capital market applications of blockchain technology, including new fundraising models, initial coin offerings, and, the tokenization of existing assets.
Unit 9 – Permissioned blockchain
This class will pivot to private and permissioned blockchains. It will first review the differences between public chains, BFT, and confidential transactions. It will conclude with a review of the most common protocols available for use today.
Unit 10 – Enterprise applications
This class will review existing enterprise applications of blockchain technology and discuss both challenges and opportunities. The focus will be on what problems such networks solve, data models, and the challenges of building new consortia.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the supply of various services, such as data storage, platforms, databases, networking, and software, through the Internet. Cloud storage allows you to save files to a distant repository and access them whenever you need them.
Digital Electronics
Switching Algebra And Its Applications, Synthesis And Analysis Of Logic Circuits, Registers And Processor Level Design Of Digital Systems, Synthesis Of Sequential Machines, Static And Dynamic Memories, PLA And PROM
Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected, internet-connected items that can gather and transmit data without the need for human interaction across a wireless network.
Virtual Reality
The use of computer knowledge to develop a modeled world is known as virtual reality (VR). In contrast to typical user interfaces, virtual reality holds the capacity to immerse the user in an otherworldly experience. Users are engrossed and able to engage with 3D worlds rather than watching a display in front of them.
Field Studies
Advanced Diploma Project I, II
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Archaeology (ARCHY)
- Biological Anthropology (BIO A)
Manufacturing Technology
Manufacturing technologies are responsible for the delivery of next-generation products impacting sectors such as automotive and aerospace. You will learn from experts in the fields of composites, coatings, metrology, and management to name but a few, providing you with the technical knowledge to deliver and support new product development. Our group and thesis projects are an industrial challenge. You will have the opportunity to be supervised by a world-leading academic in this area.
- Unit 1; Turning
- Unit 2; Parting & Grooving
- Unit 3; Threading
- Unit 4; Milling
Mechatronics Components & Instruments
Mechatronics Components & Instrument aims to provide mechanical engineering students with the necessary knowledge in using sensors, electrical equipment, and microprocessors for designing and building intelligent mechatronic systems. After completing this course, you will be able to
- Identify key electro-mechanical components used in intelligent systems.
- Convert between analog and digital signals for interfacing.
- Implement digital control architectures on a microcontroller.
- Synthesize components and subsystems for mechatronic applications.
Basic applied concepts in mechatronic Components and instruments. Laboratory experiments on identification and classification of mechatronic components, sensors and transducers, machine vision, actuating systems, information and cognitive systems, mechatronic instrumentation, and evaluation of mechatronic systems.
- Unit 1; Introduction to Mechatronics & Traditional Product realization
- Unit 2; Mecahtronics Revolution
- Unit 3; Machine Control
- Unit 4; Materials Science
Research Methology
This module aims to Guide students in the Section of Engineering in the UAUR toward achieving competence and proficiency in the theory of practice and research. This fundamental objective can be realized by helping these students to develop the subject of their research, encouraging the formation of a higher level of trained intellectual ability, critical analysis, rigor, and independence of thought, fostering individual judgment, and skill in the application of research theory and methods, and develop skills required in writing research proposals, and dissertation.
- Unit 1; Planning and Designing the Research
- Unit 2; Designing Research Methods & Collecting Data
- Unit 3; Analyzing Data and Result Presentation

Contact Us
- 2KG28AV., Kimihurura, Gasabo, Kigali, Rwanda
- +250 785 981 970, +250 788 23 7349
- uait@uaur.ac.rw
- uait@gmail.com
- www.uaur.ac.rw
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- Location
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Aviation Maintenance
- Cyber Security
- Nuclear Power
- Computer Engineering
- Automobile Engineering